Only one and a half weeks to go to rollerski finnish champs and 6 weeks to my Germany trip!!.D It seems I can really travel there and continue to Austria as I've been secretly planned already a long time :) But as I told maybe already before I'm allowed to train with A-team after the races, and perhaps in Ramsau as well! JOY!:)
Some good news anyways, I got a new flat now!! 2-rooms flat with sauna and balcony.. and the views are really fantastic!!:) So from the beginning of September you are welcome to visit me in my new apartment. I'll share it with my little broo but it shouldn't be a problem, though:D
Not only we have a training camp now, but I still should be packing my things here and trying to do the last big essay in my sportmedicin studies! argh. I just don't have time.. or I'm not just eager to make it, before it's already too late:D
somehow I should make it anyways.. I've still one week before the "final day" to return the Pro Gradu- essay. Meanwhile I just train more than before during this summer.. The results we'll see later then:))
On Monday one of my good friends left to Qatar.. to make an au pair year there! Nice evening we did have with all my "old" friends:)) My pleasure...
She will survive there! I know.. It's just a bit more far away than Sweden where I was last year doing my studies:D
But you have to travel when you are still young and free, and able to do it^^'
Now off to bed.. I'll chat later..:))
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