As there has been no time or no internet it has been a bit difficult to guess where I'm:D Now I'm at home in Joensuu and heading tomorrow to Helsinki and from there to Oslo! And the destination is Beitostölen:) There will be the first biathlon IBU-cup this season...
After Ramsau we had two weeks trainingperiod here in Kontiolahti, mostly in good conditions, sometimes rainy and warm. Well, unfortunately, I got sick just 5 days before the first qualification-race in Vuokatti! Poor me. Hard training and rainy weather didn't fit together.. I didn't even go to school to avoid this huge fluwave (Okey, I wouldn't go there anyways:D). Pity but true, I stayed 3 days in Vuokatti doing nothing, without internet and watching when others were fighting from the places to IBU-cup! As our (whole) A-team, Kappa and Mari are heading straight to Östersund there's only one place to World cup. And in men's category as well 3 places. So after Beito we will know who continues to Sweden and who to Italy! (IBU-cup preparation in Obertilliach/Ridnau).
Anyways, straight from Vuokatti we headed to Muonio to the last trainingcamp before the season starts! Long way to drive, but me and my lt bro managed to make it quick. So 10 days training, living in a lovely house with Kappa, only 5 meters from the track! So after being sick a while I managed to get on my feet again and "catch" the days I lost earlier... It was also nice to see biathlonfriends from other countries. Swedish team just left the place when we arrived and the germans came there only a few days later:)
We had one trainingcompetition during the last days, pursuit with individual start. In this cold weather I didn't get the feeling for shooting but skiing was okey, only 1 minute after Kappa. But must say she didn't take all in:) As you know she was 7th in Muonio skating race only a 2 days earlier, only 30sec after Follis, Kowalzyk and Majdic. WOW!
The season started officially later then last weekend when we had gp-races here in Kontiolahti. After long homejourney and some specialtraining I had lost the "greatest" feeling, and climbing up the world cup-track at this time of the season felt like crawling in the mud.D Anyways Kaisa won outstanding again, leaving (well-shot) Mari by a minute, and olympic winner Kuzmina over a minute!! I managed to hit 4 and 4 but in the skiing time I lost 3 minutes instead of last weeks 1 minute. usch. In pursuit my shooting was nearly good, that means 1+0+0+3. The last standing was shaking legs after 4 loops this "lovely" track:p
I got anyways the place to the team, as the coaches believed that I can do better. So I'm heading to Norway and who knows where I'm later:) But beware of Kaisa! On Sunday she won over two minutes before Kuzmina.. let's see how it goes after a week!! Now it's time for packing again:) It'll be interesting too see where the other stands at this early time of the season.. Would be nice to start in Östersund, but it may be too early for me...
Week by week it goes better. Mainly cause I'm having a bit easier training from now on..:))

See ya somewhere in Europe!!!!!=) on the road again...
ps. pick from Muonio