The trip started from Vuokatti as we drove through Finland to Vaasa where we took the "pizzaboat".:D It was nice to get to know our new coach (and the only one in finnish biathlon association) from Norway!:) Kristian happened to be a nice, professional and co-operating coach. And for my side it was really easy to discuss on the things as we both speak svenska!:)) The trainingweek was tough, including intervalls or hard powertraining every day. Glad to have sore (new?:D)muscles, but for the competitions at the weekend it wasn't so excellent. :D Anyways our big team from Finland, juniorteam+ a couple of B-team+ 50% from A-team(=Mari).. first 5 days training and then rollerski biathlon Ibu- cup, sprint and pursuit! Me like^^'
In sprint I managed to shoot quite well 0+1, but how lazy I was on the track!! oh shame on me.. Anyways, I finished something like one week after the winner, Helena Ekholm.. (One mention, I managed to shoot quicker and better on the first prone!;)) LOL. so Back to the pursuit where my skiing was getting a bit sharper. However, my shooting got a bit worse and when gathering 6 penalties I didn't get any chance against top 10^^ BUT, Grattis till Bettan, dagens vinnare!!
Hard work pays off!!:))
Congrats to our finnish junior boys, as they managed to reach top 6!! Okey, the norwegian gangsters didn't get a chance to compete equally as the organizers didn't let them start in the top (outside Ibu-cup!) To beat 2 minutes in sprint, then start 6 minutes after the best no-norwegian in pursuit. Ridiculous:D
Luckily it's still 3 months to go before first snowraces!! So after 24-hours-trip back home, staying the night in Umeå, getting bored on the pizzaboat and driving all the way through Finland back home to chilly Joensuu.. So tired!!! And It didn't really help my physical condition that we have an austrian coach, Joe, here this week! But after 7 hours sleep I was back at the stadium to meet (again a new) coach with a new trainingsystem! But without any fear..!!:)
This week went after all quite well, the others having a lot of intervalls and tough training this week. I had to skip some of them, taking rest after the hard week in Östersund.. Well, Joe is also nice (as well as Kristian). ANd here we are.. It's quite tough situation now and the question is what's gonna happen now ;to continue with the familiar russian system (but no coaches on the range^/), move to Vuokatti and train with norske Kristian or begin with austrian system until the next olympic games.. (cause that's the goal for me and for everybody I think!) Interesting times indeed. I'll write about this issue later then, when I know something new!:))
Today we had rollerski race here in Kontiolahti. +8 grades and rain in the night.. After such a feeling during the week I managed to take in everything I had left^, shooting 0+0 and hard last loop, I got a half minute gap to Sarianna (2nd). (and yes, Kaisa Varis was on the startline as well fyyy##¤%&¤%¤#!!!, luckily I beat her with 2 min..)
So tomorrow's the teammeetingday. We'll be wiser then:))
Now off to run a bit and waiting for next easy week and some UNIVERSITYstuff! Grejt!;))
Believe or not I'll be there, at least during the lunchtime.
ps. tackar Camp Södergren! Väldigt fint å bo där uppe!!.. extra poäng att svenska herrlaget med Tobbe, Ferry med mera bodde strax ovanför oss :DD kuuul!
xox Lara