We arrived to Joensuu on Monday afternoon after trip to Otepää. at 4 o'clock I had to be already at the airport welcoming Canadian team as a Chief of Attachees:D of course my other attaschees were there as well, but anyways I wanted to do my job well:)
The same pattern continued the next three days as we welcomed team in the afternoons, arranging things in the hotels and so on.. I started mornings by "chief" meetings @8am and was training mostly in the afternoon with other athletes, until Friday! I thought our coaches had put me to the lists as a reserv.. Cause Sarianna had been a bit ill and 5th named girl Annukka was at that point in Pokljuka! But no way.. As you know Mari got some fever and "everybody" thought I could replace her.... But this small mistake, not being on the list and IBU-rules. No start for me!! From this point I could forget skiing and I continued as a attaschee and working for dopingcontrol, picking up the athletes from the hotels etc...
Never mind, I had a wonderful weekend:) Getting to know more people than what I would have done as an athlete. Racing on the hometracks would have been great, though!! I enjoyed my job, and last night's delivering of drinkingtickets..:D hehe. I don't tell who and what and how. I just say what happens in the parties, stays in the parties:D School started at 8am on Monday.. was really a horrible back to the reality^^' walking straight from the *** to the university.. with a dizzy feeling "I should be somewhere else":D Somewhere else.. could have been Holmenkollen. Would have been brilliant But it didn't really surprise me that they took there only a few.. maybe next year we will have only 2 places in the WC:D LOL. nice job^^' Luckily there will be some changes within two months...
My gorgeus little brother got his first chance in World cup!! He shot nearly perfect, only one penalty. Unfortunately he got some "sting" in the lungs during the second loop so the skiing was not normal.. Anyways, I'm proud of him:) He will get some new chances next year too, I'm sure!!:))
Now it has taken two days to recover from the weekend^^' I think I still need a couple of days to be normalfit:D This weekend I'll be working as a skiteacher, next weekend we have Finnish Champs in cross-country here in Kontiolahti! I have sprintrelay and relay in the program:)
Straight after these competitions I'm heading to Sweden!! Biathlon Swedish Champs in Lima... and then I'm probably continuing to Östersund to celebrate Easter:)) Looking forward....
Thanks all my biathlonfriends from last weekend! See ya within a half year again.. :))