Sunny Martell, I will miss you! =)
From warm Italy we headed back to Obertilliach where the last races of this year were held. Sprint on Friday and pursuit on Saturday! For our tiny team (4 men and 2 women) Sprint wasn't so brilliant as it could be. Maybe recovery from the high-altitude Martell wasn't so ideal, anyways, only the "youngsters" Sami and me survived to pursuit. For me the cold weather and new snow was a bad combination and the "easy feeling" (skiing only shorts underneath in Martell) was away. In sprint I got 0+2 penalties but lost seems-like-a-calenderyear at the track! puuh. It didn't really help that we had a bit bad glide under the skies. (Fischer never lets me down!)

On Saturday it was even more horrible underneath the skis. Our lonely waxman couldn't conjure the glide as the russians for example. But somehow i fought my way to Finish, getting 1+0+2+2 penalties and the low rang 50th! That sounds like a nightmare, but as I checked last years results I had lost over a loop to the winner at that time. And in Sprint I had the same position, but last year 1 penalty! I hope it's getting better now--- I'm finally at home!!:D no more spaghetti and minced meat sauce.^^'
So back to the track. After races we headed straight to München... Eagerly waiting for flight back home. As the rest of Europe was fighting against snowheaps we managed to get home... Nice. Only missing my baggage, rifle and skies. Luckily a day after my arrival I got them. :)
One good race and a couple of okey races and lot of experience, again. That's the result from the latest three weeks! Not good, not bad. Anyways I think after this Christmas pause and training I'll be more fit and locker. : )
On Monday I was Christmas shopping and I got some perfect presents for my beloved ones:) Daddy will get something really awesome!:DD I'll tell you later... heh.
BUT one of the best Christmas presents I got already!! A phonecall from the coach. I'll be starting in WorldCup in January! So Biathlon WorldCup in Oberhof at first, then maybe Ruhpolding and Anterselva!!=) So Come on everybody and cheers!! See you hopefully on the track!:)))
Still, One of my merriest X-mas wishes is that I would get a kind note from a vip person... Looking forward to January... =) Maybe my wish comes true..
Now time for Christmas Holidays! Tomorrow I'll head to our Nationalpark Koli and take my snowshoes and take a round:) -30c degrees and sunshine. And the shortest day of the year! Luckily it's spring soon!=)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011! God Jul och gott nytt år! Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! С Рождеством Христовым и с Новым годом!
ps. A warning for naughty kids (and adults). In Martell we had a team dinner on Thursday. During the funny evening we got a visit from 5 Krampus. Check out from Google what they are for. Anyways these hairy monsters slapped (specially) girls with their "brooms". I was hanging out with austrian boys, and the boys tried to get them on me. This one in the picture came afterwards to me.. Me yealling " Ich bin nicht böse"..( I'm not naughty) and he just laughed like a naughty Santa.. "Ich glaub dir nicht.." (I don't believe you) :DD Crazyyyyy. Auf Wiedersehen!:)